Saturday, May 12, 2018

Physics Week One

The Meaning of expansive first subject!  If you consider that time can be experienced individually, collectively, culturally, scientifically, philosophically, and many other ways, trying to provide a meaning seems an impossible task.

Just consider the Big Bang theory as understood from Neil deGrasse Tyson's explanation.  All of the mass, energy, and space of the current universe was contained in a sub pinpoint size dot that heated and expanded to a bit less than what it is now in about 10 seconds!  Now, I have oversimplified this explanation but a lot happened in a very short time.

Compare Western culture's "time management" principles that attempt to create rigid schedules where successful outcome does not seem to be as important as meeting the schedule.  Or employers that incorporate "LEAN" processes that require fewer employees to do more work.  And Eastern cultures that place a higher value on a successful outcome than meeting a scheduled deadline.  How is the meaning of time perceived by these different cultures and how does it affect the individuals?

I see clients who explain how their life changed in the blink of an eye - the misstep of a foot.  One day they are going about their lives by working, gardening, playing with their children/grand children.  The next day they cannot brush their teeth, pick up their child, spend even half a day at work.  Does time have more than one meaning for them?

Personally, no matter how long I live, there will not be enough time!  I just try to balance the time I have each day to ensure thoughtfulness, wonder and enjoyment.

"The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."  Neil deGrasse Tyson

1 comment:

  1. I believe you are right as a person with the middle eastern background, I can say that people are getting the life easier than The U.S.I believe people can control their time if they want but it is easier to do it in other countries than here.
