Sunday, May 20, 2018

Chemistry Week 2 - Periodic Tables and Atomic Structure

The subject in Chemistry this week on the Periodic Table of Elements and atomic structure put into perspective for me a theme throughout all of the Western Sciences classes I am taking this summer.  The infinitesimally small world that we cannot see is massive and powerful.  Our technology is advancing at a mind blowing rate due to these tiny particles and giving us better "sight" into the invisible world.  Atomic structure is definitive information on over 100 basic elements that we can't even see and scientists are even able to combine and manipulate these tiny elements and then measure and extract additional information about them.  Although I don't fully understand it, I am glad there are scientists that are passionate about the exploration.

I try to be mindful of my carbon footprint every day.  I use public transportation as long as it is not too inconvenient; I don't let water run when doing the dishes, brushing teeth, I go around the house turning off lights that are not in use (not my family's favorite thing but they are coming around); I use reusable containers (glass, not plastic); I eat less meat; but I still have much room for improvement.  However, I believe the issue of the human carbon footprint has to be addressed on a much bigger scale for real progress to be made, especially in the United States.  Until the corporations are held to a higher standard of environmental responsibility, or lack there of, that affects the bottom line, they will not change their practices.  We the consumers could have a voice in pushing that effort in the way we buy.  But it will not be convenient and we have become an instant gratification society.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that we can do our online shopping by using Drowns which is working with electricity and also we can make it with solar energy, I agree with you that we should raise our voice to address this issues.
