Monday, May 28, 2018

Biology Week 3 - Human and Chimp Genes

Human DNA is, on average, 96% identical to the DNA of our most distant primate relatives, and nearly 99% identical to our closest relatives, chimpanzees and bonobos.  I checked multiple sources regarding gene comparison between humans and chimps and all of them were within a few tenths of each other, with 99% at the middle.

What do most living primates have in common?
  • Large brains (in relation to body size) 
  • Vision more important than sense of smell 
  • Hands adapted for grasping 
  • Long life spans and slow growth 
  • Few offspring, usually one at a time 
  • Complex social groups
The science behind these findings is logical to me.  The separation of chimpanzee and human species being a long slow process does not create any internal angst for me.  Honestly all living things on this earth share common DNA, I believe, because we are all originated from the cosmic "Big Bang".  I just hope that humans can learn to live with respect and balance among all forms of life before we destroy it all.

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