Saturday, May 26, 2018

Chemistry Week 3 - My Element - Iron

Iron - Fe - from the Latin word ferrus.  

I chose iron as my element because it's Atomic number is 26 and I love the number 26!  It is one of only three naturally occurring magnetic elements and is the fourth most abundant element in the Earth's crust.  Most scientists believe the Earth's core consists mostly of iron.  It is also found in the sun, asteroids, and the stars.

Iron is a versatile element as it is ductile (can be drawn into thin wires), malleable (can be hammered into thin sheets) and has a high tensile strength.  There is evidence that the ancient Egyptians learned how to use iron as early as 3500 BC.  It is one of the most widely used and important metals today.  The most common use is as steel to make everything from my favorite cast iron skillet to weapons of mass destruction.  It can also be compounded for use in dyes, water treatment facilities, and dietary supplements.

Of great importance to humans, iron is used to carry oxygen in the body.

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