I see myself as a living system because every cell in my body will die off and regenerate over roughly seven years. This is an ongoing, autopoietic process with some cells having very short cycles and others much longer. I move, consume nutrients, breath air, produce waste, have reproduced. Consciousness as a requirement of a living system is a bit more tricky but I believe it is part of what makes me a complex living system.
Biophysics is now a consideration in almost every scientific study and practice from medicine to computer science. It is part of the investigation of how "things" work from the microscopic to the macroscopic and how the individual workings affect other systems. Western sciences tend to try and separate systems into individual parts and focus on the individual components apart from the systems. I think the study of TCM will teach me how to identify a component of an individual that is not functioning well and then support the individual as a whole system to bring balance and function back to a healthy state.
hello. Great post. I agree that along with the systems that make something work, we as humans have something additional to that. I believe it is the consciousness at work that gives us the spark of knowingness. I don't think an android can be touched by that for its animation. So, along with this consciousness, we have the ability to make choices. Hopefully, we choose what is for the highest good of all.