Sunday, July 22, 2018

Week 11 Physics - My E-Prime Day and Eastern/Western Ideas Synthesized in Physics

I started my day as usual - started the coffee brewing and took the dogs outside.  We have a guest puppy this morning, 10 months old, and my older dogs appear annoyed by her happy exuberance so early in the morning.  The dogs complete their business and enjoy a little play time.  I sip my java and enjoy the beginning of a new day.

I feed the dogs and myself then I prepare for the coming week - laundry, grocery store, etc - you know the drill.  I plan to study and complete homework for the next several hours, allowing a bit of time to practice non ado.  Of course, I plan additional outdoor time for the dogs as well.  My curiosity is piqued by using E-Prime language.  I intend to reduce my use of all forms of "to be" when I speak and write.  I believe my vocabulary will grow with the practice.

Western sciences endeavor to find and measure the substances of life from the microscopic to the vastness of the universe.  Technological advances bring more massive telescopes to chart and measure the stars and galaxies; to witness the birth or death of a star; to try and understand black holes.  Also, more sensitive equipment is being developed to measure the results of colliding particles to try and discover the mystery of dark matter and dark energy.  The Western sciences are trying to learn how we all got here and where can we go.  The resulting theories are models that organize current data about reality and put a bright light on how much we still do not know.  A concept of creative intelligence is emerging in the Western sciences that will be more conducive to synthesis with Eastern views.  Even physicist Niels Bohr made vague reference to eastern philosophy in a 1937 speech.

Eastern philosophy accepts that the hidden and unseen exists and has far reaching effects through the interconnections of the universe and the individuals.  The search in not for "the meaning of life" but "a life with meaning".  The current Dalai Lama is also a scientist and believes that philosophy and science stand on common ground.  World conferences are happening that bring renowned scientists and philosophers together seeking a cohesive foundation to improve the human and ecological balance and symbiosis.  With changing world views that embrace diversity, tolerance, and balance I believe the synthesis of East and West has begun.

1 comment:

  1. Coffee, Dogs and The Unseen...Life beauty and wonders...AWEE>>>>>>
