Sunday, July 8, 2018

The L.A.W. - Loafing Around Without feeling guilty

I have never developed a practice of non ado but I often suggest that very thing for my highly stressed clients and give them a specific relaxation "exercise" to start with.  In fact, I had the conversation the next day at work.  I asked them to try it for 5 - 15 minutes a day and they said they would try but did not know when they would have the time.  I thanked them and said we would follow up the next week.  There were many ways I could offer them to "do" nothing.

Wow!  I now I wanted to develop a practice of non ado so I could see what I was asking of my clients, not just as an assignment for my Western Sciences classes.

That day, Tuesday, at lunch I spent 15 minutes in non ado and was refreshed and energized for my afternoon in a way I hadn't been in some time.

Wednesday - did not practice non ado
Thursday  - 15 minutes non ado at lunch with positive affect
Friday - did not practice non ado
Saturday - did not practice non ado
Sunday - 1 hour non ado
Monday - 2 hours non ado - fantastic afternoon
Tuesday - 15 minutes non ado
Wednesday  - Happy Independence Day! 2 hours non ado
Thursday - 15 minutes non ado
Friday - 15 minutes non ado
Saturday - acupuncture in the morning and non ado the rest of the day (felt slightly guilty at about 4p)
Sunday - 15 minutes non ado

I really feel like 15 - 30 minutes in non ado on a regular basis is an invigorating practice.  I have to be careful with longer bouts of non ado as I can procrastinate any task with very little effort and then I end up stressed and don't take just 15 minutes in the practice of non ado.

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