Saturday, July 28, 2018

Week 12 Biology - Antioxidants and Free Radicals

The antioxidant fad has expanded beyond just supplements.  Smoothies, water, juices, and more are also marketed under antioxidant power food campaigns.  I feel that supplements can help when a body has a true deficiency and needs help getting back on track with healthy eating, exercise and lifestyle improvements.  I think it is unrealistic and possibly detrimental to consider supplements a long term solution to something the body has the power to heal itself.  I believe we will have wonderful opportunities as TCM practitioners to support our patients with the improvements they are able to make as well as the changes they struggle make.  It is challenging to counteract a culture that has been conditioned to believe there is a magic pill to fix anything that goes wrong in our bodies.

Can an aspirin a day dramatically cut cancer risk?  The study referenced was a systemic study that compiled the results of other studies and I don't know if that is a good foundation for advising people to take a low dose aspirin a day to reduce the risk of cancer.  Also, we are talking about synthetically made aspirin here and I am a skeptic when it comes to synthetically produced pharmaceuticals in general.  However, aspirin from willow bark has been used for thousands of years to reduce pain, fever, and inflammation.  In its natural form, perhaps it could support someone's immune system in fighting the onset of cancer.

Week 12 - Biophysics - Life and Living Systems

I see myself as a living system because every cell in my body will die off and regenerate over roughly seven years.  This is an ongoing, autopoietic process with some cells having very short cycles and others much longer.  I move, consume nutrients, breath air, produce waste, have reproduced. Consciousness as a requirement of a living system is a bit more tricky but I believe it is part of what makes me a complex living system.

Biophysics is now a consideration in almost every scientific study and practice from medicine to computer science.  It is part of the investigation of how "things" work from the microscopic to the macroscopic and how the individual workings affect other systems.  Western sciences tend to try and separate systems into individual parts and focus on the individual components apart from the systems.  I think the study of TCM will teach me how to identify a component of an individual that is not functioning well and then support the individual as a whole system to bring balance and function back to a healthy state.

Week 12 Biohemistry - Cell Biology and Radioactivity

The term "radiation" has held negative connotations for me but our class discussion informed me that there are some natural and good ways to view radiation.  The sun exposes us to a bit of radiation and we could not thrive without that source.  Medical imaging has come a long way in being able to see pathologies through the use of radiology and have greatly reduced exposure levels.  Nuclear power as a source of energy belongs is not a positive or good use as far as I am concerned.  The dangers of an accident far out weigh its use for energy when there are other, safer sources of energy all around us.

The links on cell biology offered insight on another aspect of the microscopic world - the extraordinary variety and function of cells.  Movement of these tiny cells is incredible to see and there is still so much we don't know.  Scientists have proposed three accepted theories, so far, as to how tiny cells found a suitable environment to thrive and evolve:  the primordial soup; deep in the water near hydrovents; and raining down from space.  Fascinating!

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Week 11 Biochemistry - The Chemistry of Life

I enjoyed both discussions about scientific studies that investigate the effectiveness of acupuncture in relieving depression and the placebo/nocebo effects.  Acupuncture shows signs of being accepted into the Western medicine protocols and studies are backing up effectiveness.  Western medicine does rely on "scientific studies" to validate efficacy!  Although, TCM does have thousands of years of practice in achieving reproducible results for relieving pain, improving fertility, and so many ailments.  It's just going to take the Western world a bit longer to catch up and embrace TCM.

I like the definition "Biochemistry is the study of the chemistry of living organisms".  It recognizes that chemistry is involved as a part of all living systems and does not seem to establish the human species as the dominant focus.  I feel that it also implies an interconnection between all living organisms.

The University of Akron link did not work and I could not find any animations related to biochemistry on their website.

Week 11 Physics - My E-Prime Day and Eastern/Western Ideas Synthesized in Physics

I started my day as usual - started the coffee brewing and took the dogs outside.  We have a guest puppy this morning, 10 months old, and my older dogs appear annoyed by her happy exuberance so early in the morning.  The dogs complete their business and enjoy a little play time.  I sip my java and enjoy the beginning of a new day.

I feed the dogs and myself then I prepare for the coming week - laundry, grocery store, etc - you know the drill.  I plan to study and complete homework for the next several hours, allowing a bit of time to practice non ado.  Of course, I plan additional outdoor time for the dogs as well.  My curiosity is piqued by using E-Prime language.  I intend to reduce my use of all forms of "to be" when I speak and write.  I believe my vocabulary will grow with the practice.

Western sciences endeavor to find and measure the substances of life from the microscopic to the vastness of the universe.  Technological advances bring more massive telescopes to chart and measure the stars and galaxies; to witness the birth or death of a star; to try and understand black holes.  Also, more sensitive equipment is being developed to measure the results of colliding particles to try and discover the mystery of dark matter and dark energy.  The Western sciences are trying to learn how we all got here and where can we go.  The resulting theories are models that organize current data about reality and put a bright light on how much we still do not know.  A concept of creative intelligence is emerging in the Western sciences that will be more conducive to synthesis with Eastern views.  Even physicist Niels Bohr made vague reference to eastern philosophy in a 1937 speech.

Eastern philosophy accepts that the hidden and unseen exists and has far reaching effects through the interconnections of the universe and the individuals.  The search in not for "the meaning of life" but "a life with meaning".  The current Dalai Lama is also a scientist and believes that philosophy and science stand on common ground.  World conferences are happening that bring renowned scientists and philosophers together seeking a cohesive foundation to improve the human and ecological balance and symbiosis.  With changing world views that embrace diversity, tolerance, and balance I believe the synthesis of East and West has begun.

Week 11 Biology - Restoring the Bison

I don't think I have enough knowledge to prioritize reintroduction of the American bison but the experts seem to be doing a spectacular job considering the bison is no longer nearing extinction.  The Intertribal Bison Cooperative (IBC) represents 51 Native American tribes and 16 states with a common mission "to restore bison to Indian nations in a manner that is compatible with their spiritual and cultural beliefs and practices."  I think if the IBC is allowed to continue their mission without push back from the USDA and industrial cattle farming, the bison and the ecosystems of their ranges will flourish.

Considering the bison roamed from northern Canada well into South America and from eastern California to western Pennsylvania in the early 1800s, it would be unrealistic to expect they can be fully restored but at least there will be areas where the American bison roams "free" again.  A much smaller herd than the IBC has restored is being nurtured in Illinois and just three years into the 25 year restoration plan, the herd has doubled in size and they are seeing improvements to the prairie and an increase in the rare birds indigenous to the area.

I think these groups have got it right so far.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Week 10 Biology - Ecosystems and Deep Ecology

I think it is a sad reflection on the state of our civilization that we need an eight-point deep ecology platform.  The first seven points should be intuitive and "common sense" leaving number 8 unnecessary.  I also think that number 3 should read..."Humans have no right to reduce this richness and diversity."  Adding..."except to satisfy vital needs." just provides a loophole.  The powerful and rich have demonstrated over and over that they can justify "a vital need" to meet their goals with the stroke of a pen.  I mean, in the U.S. corporations have "person" status.  Does that really help us as a national ecosystem?

Ecosystems are strong as a whole because they are diverse and rich with experts that do their parts well and interact and support the rest of system.  The interconnectedness doesn't need to be graphed and made a priority because it exists to benefit the ecosystem AND its individuals.  But it is fragile when parts of it are devoured with far reaching consequences.  I truly believe that mother nature will eventually win.  I saw it first hand when I worked at an Army base as a contractor.  The army was closing this 7000 acre facility and as it decommissioned an old production line, when you went back a year later there were no signs of the roads and concrete structures that were not able to be demolished.  New plants and growth had reclaimed the land and wildlife was thriving.  It was truly a beautiful sight to see.

The end goals of social ecology are fantastic but again, should be intuitive.  I fear we humans have raped and pillaged our beautiful Earth and each other beyond redemption but it is still worth the effort to do better.  There are some really incredible organizations in the world with passionate, engaged people working to hold politicians, corporations, and industrial businesses accountable.  And I try as an individual to break my consumer brainwashing, especially when I throw something in the Amazon cart that I think is a vital need!  I love it when I remove everything from the cart and walk away.

Week 10 Physics - Symmetry/Super Symmetry and Sacred Geometry

Symmetry concepts allow physicists to provide explanations for how particles behave and the math demonstrates conservations of 1) energy being the same before and after an interaction, 2) conservation of spin regardless of location in space, after a collision of particles, and 3) the total charge of the particles remains constant in an interaction.  This type of symmetry and laws of conservation apply to the invisible micro world but there are examples of symmetry all around us;  in the leaves on trees, pinecones, the intricacy of the passion flower, and so much more.  I also see symmetry in the asymmetrical when I look at my children.  Although both eyes are not exactly the same, they create a beautiful symmetry for the entire face.

Super symmetry has physicists looking at even smaller aspects of particles by predicting that there is a partner particle for each particle in the Standard Model to help explain why particles have mass.  It hope to relate matter and force in the Standard Model.

The original theory for particle was that all particles would decay at the same rate regardless of time.  As technology advanced and scientists could see more of the micro world, they found that particle decay is more often in charge-parity violation and that all particles do not decay at the same rate or in the same way.  Through these findings and future experiments, scientists hope the mystery of dark matter and dark energy will be unravelled.

Are there connections between Sacred Geometry and Physics?  Of course, Physics is connected to everything in the universe!  I find it interesting that thousands of years ago, religious scientists found geometric methods to try and understand the questions we still ask today; Why are we here? How did we get here?  And physicists still try to understand and prove The Big Bang theory.  Maybe the answers to dark matter and dark energy could be revealed through study of Sacred Geometry from a different perspective.

Week 10 Chemistry - Under the Kitchen Sink and Safer Cleaning Products

The first row of cleaners under my kitchen sink that I use all of the time are Dawn dishwashing soap, Cascade dishwasher pods, Amway glass cleaner, Amway general purpose cleaner, and my own DIY mix of 1/3 Dawn and 2/3 distilled white vinegar, which is my go to cleaner.  Shoved in the back are Easy-Off oven cleaner (don't know who bought that because I never use it), Rug Doctor carpet cleaner, Soft Soap liquid hand cleaner, and Raid ant killer.  All of that stuff in the back will go on my next trip to the hazardous waste drop off.  As I use up the stuff in the first row, I will replace them with safer products I have found on the Environmental Working Group website,  They do extensive testing and research and provide guides for environmentally safe products for everything from household cleaners to curtains and mattresses.  There are a lot of safer cleaning products on the market and I intend to do a better job choosing them.  They also offer a guide for DIY cleaning products.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Week 8 Chemistry - pH Balance

Life in general is about finding balance.  Nutrition and diet are in a continual state of latest trends to have your best weight loss or healthy eating guides.  I enjoyed the breakdown of foods based on their pH levels and think they provide a great way to have diversity in your food choices and still enjoy eating.  It really is about balance in food and lifestyle choices, and not being poor.

Week 8 Physics- Classical Physics

Newton's three laws and the math needed to express them were ground breaking and phenomenal at the time.  Especially in a time when religion could strongly suppress the sciences.  Newton admitted that what he did know was far less than what he didn't know.  His theories persisted for centuries and science advanced as new technologies were able to more accurately measure, if only to find the discrepancies in Newton's laws.  I wouldn't be surprised if a hundred years from now scientists find our current theories of quantum mechanics irrelevant.

Week 8 Biology - HIV and AIDS

The Western medical approach to the treatment of HIV/AIDS is primarily through the use of pharmaceuticals.  The effect of the virus was devastating in the 1980's and the development of medications to stall and reduce the severity of AIDS saved many lives and much pain and suffering.  Education also played a role, and the at risk communities for contracting HIV/AIDS fought the battle to be recognized as having a right to research into the virus and treatment for AIDS.  Fast forward 30 years, pharmaceuticals are still the primary treatment and the western approach could be incorporating holistic nutrition, mental, and spiritual health as part of the protocol.

I think availability of the PreP treatment is fantastic as it gives individuals a choice.  As long as medical practitioners provide enough information to their patients to make informed decisions, its a personal choice.

Studies are being conducted and showing some evidence that TCM does strengthen the immune system.  As with all medicine, lifestyle choices are also part of the formula.

The L.A.W. - Loafing Around Without feeling guilty

I have never developed a practice of non ado but I often suggest that very thing for my highly stressed clients and give them a specific relaxation "exercise" to start with.  In fact, I had the conversation the next day at work.  I asked them to try it for 5 - 15 minutes a day and they said they would try but did not know when they would have the time.  I thanked them and said we would follow up the next week.  There were many ways I could offer them to "do" nothing.

Wow!  I now I wanted to develop a practice of non ado so I could see what I was asking of my clients, not just as an assignment for my Western Sciences classes.

That day, Tuesday, at lunch I spent 15 minutes in non ado and was refreshed and energized for my afternoon in a way I hadn't been in some time.

Wednesday - did not practice non ado
Thursday  - 15 minutes non ado at lunch with positive affect
Friday - did not practice non ado
Saturday - did not practice non ado
Sunday - 1 hour non ado
Monday - 2 hours non ado - fantastic afternoon
Tuesday - 15 minutes non ado
Wednesday  - Happy Independence Day! 2 hours non ado
Thursday - 15 minutes non ado
Friday - 15 minutes non ado
Saturday - acupuncture in the morning and non ado the rest of the day (felt slightly guilty at about 4p)
Sunday - 15 minutes non ado

I really feel like 15 - 30 minutes in non ado on a regular basis is an invigorating practice.  I have to be careful with longer bouts of non ado as I can procrastinate any task with very little effort and then I end up stressed and don't take just 15 minutes in the practice of non ado.