Sunday, August 12, 2018

Week 3 Biochemistry - Living Diversity

Warnings of human induced rapid global warming, toxic pollution, over reliance on fossil fuels and over population have been issued for nearly a century and yet our species continues devour and destroy our dwindling ecosystems...the human species is living as if it had more than one planet to occupy!  The Earth has been around for about 4.5 billion years and will eventually cleanse itself of the human waste.  I still hold out hope that there are more of us conscientious humans that want to live in harmony with all of the planets' species and that we are smart enough to find a way to do better - fast.

Our class discussions on genome editing and GMO's are just examples of more ways we work to benefit profit margins at the expense of our natural ecosystems and the diverse species on this planet.  The question really is, how do we globally take action against the wealthy minority who probably already have their end days underground "biodomes" or future terraformed planets ready to go?

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