Saturday, June 2, 2018

Physics Week 3 - Synchronicity and Connectivity

Scientific evidence for synchronicity is not currently available because we do not yet have the technology to measure it.  However, observational and anecdotal evidence is readily available.  All of my close family and friends have shared stories of synchronicity events in their lives.  I have experienced two that provided significant change to my life.  One actually relates to how I ended up at ACCHS to begin a study of TCM and the other relates to a rekindled friendship.  I will tell the story of the latter....

I had moved to Delaware to be near my mom and was feeling a bit disconnected about six months after the move.  I had been having strong memories of a dear college friend so I got on the internet and found a phone number for him.  I called the number and he picked up after about four rings.  As we were reminiscing and catching up he said, "You know, the number you called is actually a fax number for my business but I just felt like I had to pick it up when it rang tonight!"  Almost ten years later, we still talk often and try to see each other once or twice a year.

Connectivity is something I feel on an intuitive level.  I don't know how to explain it, but I know it exists.  I feel it when my dogs sense that I am sad (which is not very often) and bury their heads in my chest for comfort.  I feel it when I walk in the sand beside the ocean and can feel the rhythm of the waves in my chest and the healing of the sand under my feet.  Even though Einstein dismissed quantum entanglement theory, he still had to concede to "spooky action at a distance!

Check out the article in the link below from where the author proposes that quantum physics can explain some of the suffering in the world.  The explanation is all about entanglement and connectivity!

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