Thursday, June 21, 2018

Biology 18 June 2018 - Cell Biology and Cancer

Western medicine is outstanding at detecting cancer but the methods for treating it are barbaric - cut, poison, burn!  The cancer industry is a multi-trillion dollar industry that has no interest in preventing or curing the disease.  500,000 Americans die every year from cancer and worldwide the number is about 8,000,000.  These are numbers from 2011.  The information provided in Cancer: The Forbidden Cures is available on the YouTube link below and is worth an hour or so of your time.

TCM offers to support patients with the effects of treatment from surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation by strengthening the immune system and reducing nausea so patients can still eat and absorb nutrients.  TCM views cancer as the result of weak qi that leaves the human organism weak and unable to fight the cancer cells.  Their approach is to strengthen qi in the organism, encourage a supportive environment, and incorporation of good nutrition, herbs, exercise and spiritual healing so the cancer can be fought naturally.

Where TCM strives to strengthen and support the natural ability of the body to fight the cancer, the Western medical model destroys the entire body's natural fighting ability and pours poison into it trying to kill the cancer.  There is an organization based out of San Diego, CA - The Gerson Center -that has provided scientific evidence on a natural cure for cancer.  Of course, they can not have a treatment clinic in the United States but they do have treatment centers in Mexico and Austria.  The documentary, The Beautiful Truth provides information about a 15 year old boy's quest to find the evidence.

Physics 18 June 2018 - Vibrations, Resonance and Engergy/Qi

I don't believe vibrations are good or bad.  They are simply a mechanical oscillatory motion of an object.  The results of the vibrations can have good or bad consequences though.  I think of the driver of a car with a huge bass and a song turned up.  Inside the car, I am sure the driver thinks the sound vibrations are good, although their ears may tell a different story in a few years.  In my car, next to theirs, the vibrations are distorted and offensive.

7.83 Hz is the frequency of the Earth's electromagnetic field in the cavity formed between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.  Discovery and use of this frequency have been used to monitor global lightning activity and weather patterns related to global warming.  There have been current studies to find a correlation for this frequency related to healing.  I find that when I play meditative sound waves at the 7.83 Hz frequency, I can achieve a much quicker and longer lasting state of relaxation.  I have also begun exploring frequency specific microcurrent as a method of healing and the frequencies of many issues (inflammation, scarring, etc) and tissue in the body (muscle, spinal cord, medulla) have been determined.  We are a naturally resonating organism and everything around us has natural resonance.  Spend some time each week walking barefoot in the grass or sand to reconnect and ground yourself with the Earth!  Our individual qi needs to be resonant with the Earth's energy.

Chemistry 18 Jun 2018 - Alchemy and Non Ado

Alchemy means chemistry to me but was considered a mystical study in it's beginnings.  People mostly thought alchemists only sought to turn base metals into gold, create a universal elixir, and develop a means of prolonging life.  Since humans tend to demean and belittle what they don't understand or what they fear, early alchemists had to work in secrecy and use code to document their work.  Fast forward a few centuries and "real" chemists are decoding some of the old alchemy texts and discovering it was chemistry.  They are also trying to recreate some of the work and are learning from these magical experiments.

Our class discussion on the idea to "practice non ado and all will be in order" brought up memories of my dad.  He often liked to try and fix things and he did a great job taking them apart, labeling the components, and cleaning them up.  But when it wouldn't go back together the way he wanted, he adopted a "get a bigger hammer" mentality and the excessive force often resulted in the item being permanently fixed and needing replacement.  Sometimes less is more and I find this true in my work with my clients.  I have had a few occasions when I worked very hard and used as many tools as I could to increase range of motion or decrease pain with pitiful results.  I have had more occasions when I work with the client gently moving the affected area while I gently work the area based on what the tissues will give and have great results.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Biology 11 June - The Complexity and Nature of Life

Living systems are everywhere in the universe and each affects the other.  They are in a continual process of growth, decay, repair and homeostasis.  The individual systems support the collective systems and vice versa.  I only need to look as far as my backyard to see examples - the birds take the dead grass and weeds to build their nests where their eggs will be hatched, or eaten by the squirrels, and the living systems continue.

Non-living systems are simply structures that do not self repair, die and decay to be food for the remaining living systems and I can not think of any the exist in nature.  The computer I am using on the desk I have while I sit in this chair are all non-living systems, except for me of course.  Non-living systems all seem to have been created by humans to make their lives easier.  However, this has lead to an excessive consumerism based culture and our species is destroying the living systems that sustain our lives.  If we don't find our way back to a balance with our Earth's living systems and choose life over convenience,  what will be left for the next generations?

Physics 11 June - Chaos Theory and Fractals

Chaos theory is a way to scientifically describe how entropy and structure are very much connected and have direct relationships in every aspect of the universe.  The scientists were able to define and describe linear systems and process very well by the 20th century but defining the "rough" non-linear things had not been done.  Things like clouds, coastlines and shorelines, mountains and trees all have rough surfaces with minute detail that do not lend themselves to easy measurement. With the advancement of computers, the millions of calculations required to measure the "chaotic" aspects of the universe could be compiled.  These calculations are trying to measure dynamic systems and small changes can have significant impacts.  So, the theory shows that out of chaos comes order and into order goes chaos.

Fractal patterns are a manifestation of chaos theory.  When you look at some very complex patterns, you can often find that the individual components are just a smaller version of the whole, such as a head of cauliflower.  As you break it down the individual florets appear the same as the larger head.

Our universe is a beautiful of chaos and order that is expressed not just in scientific terms but in art and nature and music.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Chemistry June 11th - What is a mole and Avogadro's Law

Let's start with the mole....

A mole is just a standard unit of measure that allows chemists to work with the microscopic world (atoms) in macroscopic terms; a name for a certain number of things.  So, just as a dozen means 12 of something, a mole means 602 hexillion or 6.02 x 10E23 of something.  This number is referred to as Avogadro's number because it came about as the result of his hypothesis about the distinction between molecules and atoms when combining different elements, although he did not actually determine the number.

Avogadro's hypothesis provided a way to determine certain characteristics of a gas if temperature and pressure were constant then volume and the amount of gas had a direct relationship.  This relationship is expressed as n1/v1 = n2/v2 where temperature and pressure are constant and n = amount of gas and v = volume of gas.  So let's take oxygen for example - O2. 2 atoms of oxygen are 32 moles (16 is the atomic mass x 2).  If you know that you have 50.0 grams of oxygen and that is 48 liters, you can use the formula to converts gram to moles and determine how many grams of oxygen you would need if you wanted a volume of 60 liters.  I am not going to do the math because I would honestly just be copying from a YouTube demonstration but this gives relevance to why moles and the Avagadro's Law are important for the many chemical reactions that run our world.  Especially when Green Chemistry principles for the conservation of raw materials and reduction of waste (zero waste ideal!) are a standard to work toward.  Chemists can determine the optimal ratio of reactant for a chemical reaction so the all products are fully used.

I am so grateful for the brilliant people who make Green Chemistry a reality in our lives and am hopeful they will make the ONLY way for chemical processes to be used in the industrial consumer based world we live in.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Physics Week 4 - May the Forces be with you

e=mc2 has affected me first and foremost by the fact that I am living on this Earth.  A tiny bit of material became the universe as the result of the Big Bang in what was the first conversion of matter and energy.  And the sun's conversion of matter to mass helps ensure I will continue to survive on this planet.

The four fundamental forces are used to explain how objects interact.  Gravity is the weakest force and works on the macro level by keeping the moon orbiting around the earth, the earth around the sun and the solar system around the center of the Milky Way galaxy.

The remaining three forces work primarily at the micro subatomic level.  The next in the tier of strength is the weak nuclear force and it responsible for radioactive decay.  The math to show this is complex but it basically is responsible for one of the neutrons in an element flipping and turning into a proton.  This is the most difficult force for me to imagine.

Getting stronger, is the electromagnetic force.  This is both an attractive and repellent force because when like charged particles are in proximity they repel each other and opposite charged particles attract each other.  We have all seen examples of this with magnets that repel each other but attract strongly to the refrigerator.

Finally, the strong nuclear force is responsible for binding the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.  This is a relative force for chemistry reactions.  Honestly, I don't fully understand the power of these forces but the three strongest forces are incredibly demonstrated by the animated video link below on how the Large Haldon Collider works.

One of the things that eluded Einstein was a theory that connected all four of the fundamental forces.  Physicists today still cannot connect all four forces.

Chemistry Week 4 - The Color of Food:) and MSG:(

I still have some bad habits I could improve on but food is not one of them, except for my love of cookies and chocolate cake.  One of my favorite places to shop for fruits and vegetables is Monterrey Market in Berkeley.  The smell and color and variety of their market is wonderful.  I love food and my kitchen is full of color - reds, yellows, oranges, dark greens, beige (crimini mushrooms!), light greens, blue, white (garlic, onions, leeks) and dark chocolate.

Some might say that dark chocolate is neither a color nor a food but I will fiercely argue against them.  Dark chocolate is rich in cocoa solids that are full of flavanol compounds that a variety of studies have shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol and improve cognition.  Of course, moderation is key and a good quality 72% or higher cocoa dark chocolate is best.  And yes, dark chocolate is a hair color and wood stain color.  I think I need to add purple to my food color choices.  I don't consume much meat, maybe a small piece of fish or chicken once a week, or dairy so you won't find those colors in my kitchen.

The class discussion on MSG as a food additive just sets me on a rant.  The big corporate food and beverage industries have made a science of flavor enhancers and food additives and preservatives and they are in all processed foods.  Under the FDA many of them also fall under the category of "generally regarded as safe".  The marketing teams then target children, single parents, college students, and families with both parents working that have little time and many stresses with the convenience of their foods.  The standard American diet (SAD) has so much processed and take out foods that it is the excess of MSG, preservatives, salt, and sugar that is contributing to the obesity epidemic in this country.  I personally believe these companies know all this crap is a health hazard just like the tobacco companies knew and denied cigarettes were a health hazard in the 1950's.  The FDA is not protecting its citizens because many of the base products are government subsidized - wheat, soy, corn, cane sugar to name a few.

Sugar has been shown with imaging technology to trigger the same pleasure center as heroin.  Although I could not find any studies to support this, I believe that some children get the "addiction switch" turned on when sugar is first introduced into their diets and will be more susceptible to alcohol and drug addiction as teens and young adults.  End of rant for now.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Biology Week 4 - Common Ancestor from Europe?

I think it is incredible the knowledge we continue to acquire about the evolution of our species either through new fossil finds or new technology applied to previous finds.  However, there seems to already be significant evidence that speciation of humans was a very slow and gradual process that originated in Africa.  I would be inclined to think that it could have happened in both Europe and Africa and am confused by the controversy.  As long as we humans cling to our arrogant image that we are superior and evolved in some special way, I think we get in our own way of what these fossil discoveries might be trying to teach us.

Biology Week 4 - Gaia Theory

James Lovelock coined the term Gaia to consider the Earth as a living, life sustaining and self-regulating system.  The Gaia theory has become the foundation for a science that explores how the Earth and all things, organic and inorganic, are interconnected.  The Earth has spent billions of years regulating the atmosphere, temperatures and ocean salinity to ensure it is habitable.  Many scientists now use the Gaia theory to find sustainable methods that support our Earth rather than harm it. 

One example is the Rich Earth Institute that is developing systems for repurposing human waste into agricultural fertilizer, specifically urine.  Check out their website . Since the processes of creating clean drinking water and wastewater treatment is resource (water and energy) intensive, I think this is the type of innovation that could be a step in the right direction.  This is just one of many examples of projects underway to apply the Gaia theory to the design of governmental, economic, energy, and social systems.  I think the theory is becoming commonly accepted and embraced. 

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Physics Week 3 - Synchronicity and Connectivity

Scientific evidence for synchronicity is not currently available because we do not yet have the technology to measure it.  However, observational and anecdotal evidence is readily available.  All of my close family and friends have shared stories of synchronicity events in their lives.  I have experienced two that provided significant change to my life.  One actually relates to how I ended up at ACCHS to begin a study of TCM and the other relates to a rekindled friendship.  I will tell the story of the latter....

I had moved to Delaware to be near my mom and was feeling a bit disconnected about six months after the move.  I had been having strong memories of a dear college friend so I got on the internet and found a phone number for him.  I called the number and he picked up after about four rings.  As we were reminiscing and catching up he said, "You know, the number you called is actually a fax number for my business but I just felt like I had to pick it up when it rang tonight!"  Almost ten years later, we still talk often and try to see each other once or twice a year.

Connectivity is something I feel on an intuitive level.  I don't know how to explain it, but I know it exists.  I feel it when my dogs sense that I am sad (which is not very often) and bury their heads in my chest for comfort.  I feel it when I walk in the sand beside the ocean and can feel the rhythm of the waves in my chest and the healing of the sand under my feet.  Even though Einstein dismissed quantum entanglement theory, he still had to concede to "spooky action at a distance!

Check out the article in the link below from where the author proposes that quantum physics can explain some of the suffering in the world.  The explanation is all about entanglement and connectivity!